Thursday, July 24, 2008

Warriors on a Roll!

If anyone knows anything about me... I'm just a hardcore Warriors Fan! The excitement of the alley-oops and the crazy whatever the fuck they do on the damn court! It just never ceases to amaze me... Well check this out... This off-season the Warriors were at a cross roads with a couple of issues...

1. They didn't know that Baron Davis was going to opt-out of his contract leaving about ehh I dunno somethin' like $17 million and some change on the table... Dude wanted a long term contract which is definitely understandable but you know what? Mullin (Warriors GM) didn't give it to 'em... so because of that Davis walks away from the Warriors and joins the LA Clippers... Fuck those fools!

Well anyways... after that we had a couple more issues...

2. We had no players! Monta Ellis & Andris Biedrins were both restricted free agents meaning that if any team were to offer them some money, the team they are currently on has a chance to match that same offer within the span of 7 days... Now of course no one is going to offer Monta Ellis or Andris Biedrins because they know we'll most likely just match it since their contracts would not count against the cap. Why? Their contracts won't count against the cap space because they have been under contract with their previous team before... so it doesn't count for the teams' salary cap.

Anyways to the point... The Warriors understood that this was a HUGE problem so they decided to make some moves by adding a couple players to their roster through signings and trade... as of today our newest players including the rooks are...

Corey Maggette

Anthony Randolph

Richard Hendrix

Ronny Turiaf

Marcus Williams

Hopefully everything gels together the way it's supposed to. Done Deal.

The Golden State Warriors

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